- Clarification and correction of the defect occurrence rootcause
- Strengthen in-process assurance
- Reduce the amount of plastic used and promote the recycling of waste plastics
Diamet established an action policy toward the realization of a sustainable society from the perspective of the Environment, Society, and Governance. With the thought of creating a more prosperous society with powder metallurgy technology as the starting point, we always consider what we can do for coexistence with the environment and society.
Our vision
The powder metallurgy method that Diamet is proud of is an environmental-friendly manufacturing method that enables the complete use of materials. Because environmental preservation is currently a common issue for all humanity, we believe that we have an important mission as a company offering sintered products globally. Through the creation of new value through products and services, we will continue to develop business that contributes to the resolution of social issues represented by the SDGs. We are committed to contributing to the development of a sustainable society by striving to build trusted relationships with our stakeholders and enhancing our corporate value through our business activities.

Identifying issues
Diamet recognizes the interests of society and stakeholders, as well as social issues, and selected seven propriety issues in ESG that we should address on a priority basis based on the influence of management. We will work with management on business activities that help to resolve social issues based on the recognition on the importance of the propriety issues that we have selected this time.

In addition, in order to select priority issues, we recognize that we must understand and respond to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that were adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015, aiming to bring an end to poverty and pursuit sustainable future. By verifying the connection between the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs and our important tasks and applying the SDGs to respective important tasks, we will contribute to the resolution of a wide range of social issues.

Process for selection of priority issues
We selected priority issues through the following processes:
STEP1Extraction of issues | International standards, external evaluation of ESG, and requests from society and stakeholders are analyzed to extract 30 items as the candidates for materialities. |
STEP2Prioritization of issues | Based on the identified issues, we conducted a questionnaire survey of internal and external stakeholders, as well as expectations and requests for us, were analyzed, and the issues were prioritized based on the two points of influence on stakeholders and influence on us. |
STEP3Verification and determination of priority issues. | The details of the selected and prioritized issues were discussed and approved at the management meeting. |
Diamet’s priority issues and initiatives
In order to realize a sustainable society, Diamet has selected seven priority issues that the company is working on.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Update deteriorated equipment and rational investment
- Improvement of factory utilization rate
- Integrate production equipment
- Use renewable energy

Improve energy efficiency and reduce the use in plants
- Reduce thermal release loss through utilization of super-insulated materials
- Update deteriorated equipment and rational investment
- Improvement of factory utilization rate
- Integrate production equipment
- Introduce high-efficiency equipment
- Use renewal energy

Enhance resource utilization efficiency
- Reduce the defect rate
- Reduce the amount of disposed waste plastics

Product safety and best quality
- Achieve zero product accidents
- Achieve zero major customer complaints
- Inform and educate the rules and information of quality assurance
- Sophistication of quality assurance operations
- Reduce the defect rate

Reinforce industrial safety and health
- Achieve zero industrial accidents (accidents accompanied/not accompanied by lost worktime)
- Fully implement interviews with an industrial physician to return to work
- Provide safety education to inexperienced (less than three years) employees
- Implement sensory education on dangers
- Convene monthly safe environment meetings and the Safety and Health Committee
- Implement monthly safety and health patrols
- Implement yearly emergency training
- Fully implement interviews with an industrial physician to return to work

Establish a sustainable supply chain
- Maintain zero use of conflict minerals and substances of concern in our products
- Implement 100% a survey from business partners concerning the inclusion of conflict minerals and substances of concern in our products
- Depending on the survey, examining the use of alternatives, formulating and implementing an action plan

Promote compliance management
- Provide education on the observation of various types of laws and regulations
- The Industrial Safety and Health Act, Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade, Subcontract Act, Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act, and laws and regulations related to quality, harassment prevention, and information security

Initiatives for Local Society
We actively participate in local society activities, mainly in Niigata City where our headquarters are located.
We will aim continuously to be a company that local residents can be proud of while valuing communication with them.

– Participation in and sponsorship of local summer festivals
– Receipt of visitors from neighboring local governments, community associations, and schools for plant tour
– Participation in traffic safety activity
– Cleaning of neighboring roads